The sick ex-wife Arshavin attacked on the net: "No one has canceled boomeranga"


Recently, the ex-wife Andrei Arshavin, Alice Kazhmin, no longer pleased the fans of personal photographs. The fact is that due to illness, the appearance of the star has changed much. Now she prefers to show their children or cats. This time she published a photo of a cat who was raised in the bath. "You go in the evening in the bathroom, and there it is," the journalist signed a picture.

Subscribers hurried to clarify where this picture was taken. Many suspected that Kazhmin with children continues to live in the house of Arshavin. To the question, whether Alice lives at the former mother-in-law, she replied: "Yes, I would even say, in the house of our daughter", meaning a child from Arshavin, Evention. Then some users began a real attack on the Kazmin account. "No one has canceled the law of boomeranga, Yulkina tears are cast", "Give the house, and let Andrei mother live there! Not yours, this is essentially, and Yulke had to give away with children, "" the child gave birth to himself, did not have their own real estate, it will receive alimony ... let it further build his life, "they wrote in the comments.

Many began to write negative comments by a journalist after the mother of Andrei Arshavin came to "let them talk" and told about the life of an athlete with a former wife. As you know, with Kazmin, he began to meet even during a civil marriage with Julia Baranovskaya. TV presenter was on the sixth month of pregnancy, when he learned that the chosen was another woman.

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