Returning in Russia of Serebryakov will take off in the "University": "It will be cool!"


To date, 12 hour episodes have already been filmed, in which the actors who love to televisers were played through the past seasons. In particular, Stas Yarushin, who fulfilled the role of the son of the oligarch, the divided and charming young men Anton Martynov in Sitkom.

The actor spoke that in the new version of the series, which is called "University. 10 years later, "it will be completely different: the action unfolds not in the hostel, his heroes are no longer students, but adults who have changed very much.

"Restarts are always scary. Unfortunately, there are bad examples. But here, I think everything will be fine. We still have a cool cast - Anatoly White, Alexey Serebryakov, Sergey Yushkevich. These stars have replenished our team. Will be cool!" - noted Yarushin in the YouTube show "Rumors".

Stas admitted that it is a great honor for him to work on one set with such a big actor and a wonderful person as Alexey Serebryakov. Attention from the older and more famous colleague, he touches him very much and inspires.

Recall, Alexey Serebryakov returned to Russia about a month ago. In 2012, the actor with his family emigrated to Canada, and the cause of his relocation called the "unfavorable social situation" and "growth of intolerance" in their native country.

But now Serebryakov assures that he was not going to leave Russia forever, but simply took his children to study abroad.

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