"I feel a loser": Chris Pine commented on competition with other crisis


The American actor Chris Pine, who received worldwide fame after participating in the paintings "StarTrek: Retribution" and "Startrek: Infinity," recognizes himself "losers" among other actors-forzok. The other day, his virtual participation took place in the online show of the comedian Joshmem Horowicea, which was touched upon by the topic of the comparison of Paine with his colleagues Chris Prett, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans.

During the program, the presenter admitted: "I will say it for the protocol. You are my favorite Chris! " On this star stories about StarTerek with a laugh replied: "I feel like a loser right now, so I will accept all possible support." The actor laughed, saying that he had already dreams to change his name.

The lead began to offer ideas regarding the association of all the same-name actors in one film. He proposed to imagine that all the crises gathered together to remove the next "Avengers", but call the picture The Christening ("crisp"). At the same time, the star composition should simply sit two hours before the camera in the "cute sweaters", which, according to Horowitsa, will bring a picture of $ 2 billion. Another option was a proposal to hold an event in the style of Comic-Con, but call it chris-a-con.

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