Mila Kunis admitted which part of the Ashton's body Kutcher believes the sexiest


37-year-old actress Mila Kunis answered a few questions about his star spouse, actor Ashton Kutcher, during the game Wheel of Hidden Secrets. The star of the film "Third End" agreed to participate in a quiz, funds from which will go to support medical workers. The most unexpected answer she gave the question about the attractiveness of her husband.

Mila and Ashton in marriage for five years and managed to study the appearance and habits of each other. And, apparently, the star knows about the husband what fans do not guess. After all, when she was asked what part of the Ashton's body for her the most sexy, Mila did not slow down with the answer.

"Back. He has a very sexy back ... I decided that if I choose something in front, you somehow beat it, so I went from the rear, "Kunis explained his choice with a laugh.

Stars spent whole months in self-insulation of the house with each other and with children: six-year-old White and four-year-old Dimitri. Mila said that he loves his babies very much, but after life in the road, the period of voluntary imprisonment was not easy for her.

It is noteworthy that Cunis, and Kutcher entered the list of stars, which fans recognized the most "unstasses". Fans compared Fresh photos of actors with their pictures of 20 years ago and did not notice the difference.

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