Officially: Adel completed a divorce with her husband two years after parting


Adele and her former husband Simon Konpeki finally completed the broken-water process. According to US Weekly, the former couple solved the issues of the property section and is now officially divorced.

Previously, it became known about an interesting agreement between Adel and Simon: the singer concluded with a former agreement that he would not tell about their relationship or in an interview or in his songs. The source from the circle Adel commented: "They are worried about their common son Angelo and want him to be protected, so Adel decided not to sing about a relationship with a former husband. This is a sign of respect from her side. " Insider also noted that love experiences were always the engine of creativity Adele, but with her upcoming album everything will be different.

Adele married Konkays in 2016, and at the beginning of 2019 the couple broke up. Only two years later, Simon and Adel decided to officially terminate the marriage. As the source noted, the relationship of the singer from the Konkock quickly cooled and turned into friendly: "Their relationships developed, but at some point they became more like friends than a couple in love. They realized that romantic feelings were gone. This disappointment, the relationship simply did not work. "

This year, Adel fans expect the release of her new album - the first in six years.

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