Eddie Murphy emotionally explained why he left movies for many years


Eddie Murphy has always been one of the most charismatic artists of modern cinema, but at the turn of the Millennium, he strongly passed the position due to participation in a number of comedies, which was either unprofitable, or were crushed, and the other was often happening at the same time.

The situation has developed twofold. On the one hand, Murphy remembered as a star, which was headed by the classics of the films "48 hours", "A policeman from Beverly Hills", "Trip to America" ​​and others. At the same time, the actor began to receive Anti-Vagrand "Golden Malina", which is awarded for the worst thing, which only can offer Hollywood. And the picture of the "trick of Norbit" became the record holder of the award, having received three statuettes at once: for the worse male role, the worse male role of the second plan and the worst female role of the second plan, and they all went to Eddi. It is not surprising that after such a failure, the actor lost her former dust and decided to make a breather.

As a result, in recent years, Murphy was almost not shot in the cinema, and in one of the recent interviews he explained how it came out that this break was delayed.

"I removed bad movies. And I thought: "It's not ridiculous. They give me "Golden Malina". Yes, they gave me "Golden Malina" as the worst actor in the world! Maybe it's time to take a break. " I was going to take a break only for a year. Then he suddenly passed six years, and I sit on the couch, and I could continue to sit on it, but I don't want me to be remembered for those work, "the actor said.

Murphy added that he decided to return with the "travel to America 2" to show that it is still able to joke ridiculous, and after that think what to do with his career on. Of course, while the tape did not become a hit, but this is just the beginning, and fans in any case are ready to support your favorite artist.

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