Brezhneva boasted adult daughters: "How three sisters"


The singer Vera Brezhnev published on his page in Instagram, a family picture on which posing along with his daughters and Sarah. She did a photo during their joint recreation in the United Arab Emirates, where, judging by the publications, Brezhnev with the heirs celebrated the 20th anniversary of one of the girls. At the picture, the singer gently hugs with daughters, and in the signature talks about how the frame was made.

"Vacation with girls flew quickly. We all have already returned home to work and study. And this is the only joint photo, because they do not collect, "writes Brezhnev.

Also, the performer is a joke recognized that her daughter Sarah is the only person who does not want to be photographed with faith of Brezhnev.

Fans warmly took a picture. Many drew attention to the similarity of Brezhnev with Sonya and Sarah. By photography, they note that her heroines look like more sisters. Also fans praise the beauty and famous singer, and her heir.

"Like three sisters," fans are sure.

Subscribers appreciated the words of Brezhneva on how difficult to photograph with the family. They admitted that they themselves came across such a problem and do not know how to make family pictures with adolescents.

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