Stars "Wonder Women" Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and others celebrated the 45th anniversary of Pedro Pascal


Actress Gal Gadote has published a photo in Instagram as the participants in the Miracle Women: 1984 film crew celebrate the 45th anniversary of Pedro Pascal. Because of the self-insulation regime, the celebration occurs in the ZOOM application. In addition to the birthday party, the actors of Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Uig and director Patty Jenkins took part in the party. Gal even prepared several cupcakes in honor of the holiday, which decorated with candles. But there are them the most.

Gal Gadot played in the film "Miracle Woman: 1984" Painting role. Christine Wig plays Antagonist Barbara Minerva / Cheetah. Pedro Pascal's birthday officer performs the role of Millionaire Maxwell Lord, who ordered Minerwe search artifacts, and after these artifacts turned Minerva to Chepada, looking for protection from a wonderful woman. Chris Pine got the role of Steve Trevor.


Pedro Pascal is known for its works in the series. He brought the greatest fame to "the game of thrones" and "Mandalorets". In 2011, he passed the casting on shooting in the TV series "Wonder Woman", which was canceled.

Last week it was reported that the film premiere was postponed from June to a later date.

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