Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will compete with Coronavirus with the help of "Quarantine Wine"


Mila Kunis and Ashton Cutcher have come up with a way to collect money for charity organizations against the background of universal quarantine. The actors began to cooperate with Battle Creek Vineyards winery and launched the production of quarantine wine. Couple believes that drinking wine with his videosochat friends is an excellent option to pass the evening.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will compete with Coronavirus with the help of

The label on the bottle was left blank so that people could decorate it themselves. The cost of wine is 50 dollars for two bottles. Stars promise that 100 percent of revenue will go to several charitable organizations engaged in the fight against the effects of a pandemic. Mila and Ashton recorded a video in which they admitted that in the evenings, they love to arrange online gatherings with friends, dinner and drink wine together.

Earlier, Ryan Reynolds has grown up users with their fundamental ideas for needing. He united with the Conquer Covid-19 Foundation, which released T-shirts with her logo. Reynolds ridiculously advertised these T-shirts, calling them "so boring that they can become invisible," and urged their fans to buy them if they were tired of fashion or if they were "pursuing mother-in-law."

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