Duane Johnson complains of his dogs


A few days ago, Johnson posted in his instagram video from a walk. In a short roller, the "rock" is trying to explain the baby Bruut that he is very tired after a long working day and hopes to go home as soon as possible. But the little Pesk, apparently, does not want to sleep over his owner. "Obviously, Bruut does not understand that I am busy more than the president," Dwayin wrote in the comment to the video. - And time is my most valuable currency. "

Clearly Brutus doesn't understand I'm busier than the President, and time has become my most valuable currency. #ThatsMyBoyActingLikeAG #HeGoesWhenHesReady #LikeHisDaddy #PuppyTraining #WelcomeToMyWorld

Видео опубликовано therock (@therock)

Soon it became clear that not only Brutus delivers some inconvenience to Johnson. Hobbs also follow the example of his friend. In a new video, the actor showed an excerpt of another walk. It turned out that the second puppy is also no distortion. "First brut, and now Hobbs can not understand how busy I am," Duene complained again.

First Brutus, now Hobbs can't comprehend exactly how busy I am - and that time is my most important currency. #ManOfAction #ManOfGettingThingsDone #ManOfTwoPuppiesWhoCouldCareLess

Видео опубликовано therock (@therock)

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