Ex-wife Joana Griffith regretted that he was reveaned about the divorce


Actress Alice Evans, the former wife of Actor Joana Griffith, said he regrets the revelations related to the divorce that she shared with the public in their social networks. The celebrity has published an appropriate entry on its page in Instagram.

According to her, she embellished the reaction of their daughters for a passing divorce. The artist in the story of the page published an explanation and apologies.

"I can't find exactly where I said it, but I am sure that I did it. And I should be careful with the words. They cry a lot, but the children still cry, and "they cry every day" - definitely an exaggeration! I'm sorry, "the celebrity writes.

In addition, she noted that the affairs of daughters are "much better" than she "could imagine", and they sometimes discuss the future in which parents are not together.

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Alice in one of the publications also thanked the fans for their support and the warm words that they reacted to all statements of the artist about the divorce.

Recall that the divorce of Joan Griffith and Alice Evans became known in January of this year. According to Evans, the spouse filed an application for divorce, but did not even warn his wife, who learned about everything from social networks and the media. Since that time, Evans regularly talks about its condition on the page in Instagram and shares the details of the passing divorce.

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