"Not given to plow in the gym": 51-year-old wife Gazmanov revealed the secret of a slim figure


Fans of Marina Gazmanovoy always consider her photos with admiration. Figure of the famous singer can envy even young girls. But Marina is already 51 years old.

It's no secret that she adheres to a healthy lifestyle and deals with different sports. Her husband does not lag behind it. Oleg repeatedly showed the footage of sports activities. For example, in the summer he told that he sailed with his wife more than 8 kilometers on a sapboard.

On this projectile, Marina and showed herself in the latest photo in Instagram. In "Carousel" you can see a whole series of pictures. On frames not only Gazmanov is striking with its excellent form, fascinating the beauty of the landscape, especially when the instading floats under water. On one of the pictures in the lens came even a turtle.

Marina explained that it was daily activity that gives her such a beautiful appearance. She loads himself in moderation, without excessive physical exertion. Just the artist's wife is constantly in motion.

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"Sleaving, I go, dancing, dragging, meditating, breathing, rowing ... All in joy, with a smile to easy fatigue. I am not given to plow in the gym, have cubes and nuts, "Gazmanov said.

Her fans, as always, turned out to be generous for compliments: "You are beautiful, harmonious and inspiring," Marina, you are the embodiment of femininity, "" Gorgeous "," Beauty "," Beauty will save the world! This is about you. "

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