"Our relationship was outlined": Liquid revealed the cause of the divorce with Tatiana Arntgolts


Full Ivan Lodine considers his marriage with actress Tatyana Arntgolts successful. He remembers their relationship only good, but considers the right decision to part.

Ivan and Tatiana lived together for five years and became parents. They still grow up their daughter Masha. None of them have not yet reported the causes of parting.

Liquid broke silence in the studio of the "Fate of Man". He frankly told the leading Boris Korchevnikov about his first marriage and about why they were parted with Tatiana. For example, the history of their acquaintance that the fate itself was postponed for many years.

"We are both of Kaliningrad. Lived in neighboring houses. Then at the university lived in neighboring hostels and never crossed. One day, a friend called me to the airport to meet Tanya. Well, I ran spark. We met. Then we went to a friend to the cottage ... I told her to collect things and move to me. Relations developed very quickly, "Ivan shared memories.

He admitted that he still experiences warm feelings to Tatiana, but not a romantic nature. And he had good memories of marriage about the years, but the divorce in their case was inevitable.

"I still really love Tanya as a person ... In our marriage there was a lot of good. To overcome crisis in relationships, there must be high motivation. Now the Marriage Institute is changing. A woman can be independent of a man. Our relationship is just outlined, "the actor explained.

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