Live and healthy: Prokhor Chaliapin showed a photo from the bath with Lena Leno


37-year-old singer Prokhor Chaliapin boasted that he spent a holiday weekend with the writer Lena Lenina. The artist has published a photo with a 41-year-old celebrity on his page in Instagram.

Recently there was a news about the imaginary death of Prokhor, but he successfully denied all the doubts with his new posts in the social network. True, the singer did not comment on the news that excited fans were trying through the search engines to find out the cause of the death of the idol.

In a new picture, ruddy chalyapin smiled widely, hugging Lenin with one hand. The writer posed in a stylish costume and a long fur coat and also happily smiled into the chamber.

"Leno leaned to Leno on this holiday in the forest, in a real Russian bath, and well deposited by the brochors," Prokhor was wrote with humor.

The fans of the artist were pleased that rumors were only rumors and that their idol spends time perfectly. Fans noted that he looks great.

"Your mood and photo is nice to see", "What are you handsome you", "such satisfied stand", "Prokhor chic", "Chizhik is alive?" - The users of the social network were pleased.

Stars often become victims of fake news about their own death. For example, Rapper Alexei Dolmatov, known under the pseudonym Guf, at one time even made news about his alleged death of meme.

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