"I will not return anymore": Alena Rapunzel and Maxim Kolesnikov left "House-2"


Alena Rapunzel and Maxim Kolesnikov went away from the scandalous telestroy. Former participants in reality shows are confident that they will have to create a real family in the real world.

The star "House-2" shocked fans with the news, which was finally soldered as a show. Alena wrote about it in his Instagram account. She refused to make a separate air on his care from the project and stated that the time behind the walls of "House-2" was not easy for her. Rapunzel wrote that he was grateful to the project for the Son and Max, in which he sees his real soulflower.

"Yes, so long and so painfully, it was difficult and difficult to go there. The project presented me with a good school of life and my son ... But in order to be there, you need to have an iron patience, which over time is erased ... I have been looking for love there, .. I met Max. Let we both emotional, mad, but these are real love, "admitted Alain in a personal blog.

She thanked the audience for their support and promised that it would work a lot for their own business selling children's things and for the sake of family. Alena and Maxim had already removed the apartment in Moscow and engaged in unpacking things that for three years there was a lot on the project.

Rapunzel stated that the audience would not see the release of the show with her departure and regretted that he could not get away with a happy smile. "Ether with our departure will not be, because we left a little emotionally, unrestrained ... It's a shame only that it didn't work out from the project, as I wanted: With a happy smile, telling everyone" Thank you "," said Alain in a short video on his page.

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