"It became similar to the girl": Irina Gorbacheva starred in the underwear in a frank photo shoot


Irina Gorbacheva laid out several new photos, in which, according to fans, she looks very gentle and feminine. Under these pictures, the actress decided to discuss the need for love for himself and what she still manifests itself.

In photographs, Irina appeared in sports pants and a bra, on top of which she sometimes wondered a jacket with an interesting edging. The artist admitted that she took her time to understand how it was to love himself. Only over time, she realized that the first step towards the love of his "I" is joy.

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"You must please yourself. Do something useful and important for yourself. This may be something simple, but it is important to feel the benefit and joy of action, "Gorbacheva is sure.

She compared this love with parental feelings. After all, the mother is experiencing unconditional love to the kid. And the more the baby pleases the parents, the stronger their love for him becomes. Approximately the same thing, according to the artist, is happening with the "inland child."

All this Irina has tried on themselves. She remembered that once began to play sports for 15 minutes every day. And after seeing a week later, the first small result was very happy for myself. The feeling of pride for herself a celebrity experienced, abandoning sweet.

"And on the head you stroke yourself and say:" Oh, Irka! Well done! Thank you! I love you! "," Gorbachev summed up his thoughts.

Fans fully agreed with her conclusions and noted that on new frames made by photographer Catherine Kondratyeva, she began to look a little different.

"Ira, what you are beautiful and talented", "Irina, you are unmatched", "stylish beauty", "very feminine and sensually", "I became like a girl", "very aesthetically", did not hold the admiration of fans.

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