"It would be better to take a girlfriend": 49-year-old Marina Fedunkiv worried about former husbands


Actress Marina Fedunkiv admitted that she was not lucky with her husbands, but he was always lucky with his friends. She was never afraid that the spouse we fell on someone from her surroundings, but it did not defend from divorces.

Marina frankly told about the difficulties in the personal life of Alla Dovlataya in the "Evening Show" on the air "Russian Radio". The actress was married twice, but both marriage were unsuccessful. She did not put forward special demand for men, but her husband did not have to build a strong family or to have children.

In a difficult time, she appealed to friends who understood her best. "Next to me are very close people, so there can not go to the girlfriend to make a man with me. However, I always came across such men, which would be better to take on this burden, "Marina admitted.

Failures in love did not shake Fedunkiv faith in love, and it is open to new feelings. The main thing is that the future chosen is laughing at the same jokes as Marina.

"The prerequisite is a sense of humor that coincides with my. Also, the young man should be generous and kind to be pleasant to him, "the actress told.

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