"Money is still nowhere to take": Lawyer Mikhail Efremova explained why the damage to the Zakharov family was not compensated for


New lawyer Mikhail Efremova, Peter Harhorin, noted that the actor is now in a difficult financial situation, and therefore cannot pay compensation for the civilian wife who died in the accident Sergey Zakharov and his mother. Moreover, the specific amount of payments has not been discussed.

"Only after the official entry into force of the sentence, Mikhail Olegovich will be allowed to make a power of attorney to his wife. And then it will be able to take advantage of the savings that are stored in the cell and on the husband's personal bank account. So far there is no power of attorney, "Peter Harhorin clarified in an interview with MK.Ru.

At the same time, the main amount in the amount of 3 million rubles, appointed by the court decision, immediately paid the widow and two Zakharov brothers. As Harhhorine explained, this amount of the Efremov family with difficulty was able to collect after the appeal for help to friends and relatives.

The main victim is the mother of the deceased. But she did not claim the requirements of the actor, only asked to fix the roof in her house.

Recall, as a result of an accident involving Mikhail Efremov, the driver of the second car died. The court sentenced about 7.5 years of concluding for the actor. According to the lawyer, Efremov is serving a sentence in a colony in the chamber, where, in addition to him, three more people with whom the actor managed to build a good relationship.

"Normal people sit with him. Interesting books read. They do not have the Internet, but there is a TV and the ability to receive any press. I hope he will find proper use. He had some ideas with the organizational of the theater in the colony, "said Kharhorin's actor's content conditions.

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