"Lips crossed, the mouth of the rider": Maria Pogrebnyak decided to make an extreme photo session


The wife of the famous football player Paul Pogrebnyaka Maria loves to be photographed. Her page in Instagram is regularly updated with new pictures. Moreover, a 31-year-old girl comes up with incredible ideas for photo shoots.

Another shooting of Maria decided to arrange a pond with water lily, but the girl was hardly able to change his plans.

"I wanted to make a photo session in a pond with water lily. On the day of the photo session, the weather spoiled: Temperature is only 17 degrees. But it did not stop me. Shooting should have started at sunset. The car was thrown 20 minutes from the place of shooting, as the protected zone.

I run on my knee into the water ... Ice water, burns, cramps started immediately, the lips of appeared, the mouth hidewarded, and I need to pose. I begin to inspire that it is not cold and everything is completely. The first couple of photos did, and then I needed to fully immerse yourself in the water, "the details of the shooting of Pogrebnyak are divided.

The girl was not afraid of the cold and dived. Later I understood that it was not for nothing that I risked the health - the photos turned out excellent. But, on this adventure of Mary did not end. She and her photographer-a girl had to join the Dark Forest for a long time to find the road back. On the way, they encountered some man who was very frightened by the football player's wife, and she was empty.

The users of the social network estimate the pictures and noted that the extreme photo session was worth it. Comment left Olga Buzova, calling the Pogrebnyak "unreal".

"The photo is super, such a beauty, I want to watch and watch", "Mermaid!", "Magic photoFashion!" - write folloviers.

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