"I did not know where to go": Comedy Woman Star Nadezhda Angarskaya explained to a foreigner's husband


Star show Comedy Woman, winner of the project "The last hero. Spectators against the stars ", the participant of the Games of KVN and Singer Nadezhda Angarskaya gave an interview with Youtube-show" FathersFrovka "about the breaking of their relationship with a foreigner. Last year, a wicked process of hope and Jordanian Rate Bani occurred after six-year-old living. In marriage, the couple was born a long-awaited son David, who now communicates with his father without obstacles from hope. As the artist is recognized, the boy does not have enough living meetings with the dad. They talk more often by phone, but at the very first opportunity, the RED visits the Son.

The main reason for the divorce Angarskaya calls the groundless jealousy of a man, pressure and permanent "emotional terrorism". Hope assures that he never gave reasons for jealousy, but her husband came up with them easily. The last drop was a quarrel in the car, when in the attack of the rage RED broke the windshield: "I was sure that the next time it would be my face. And they make money to me. " On this occasion, the commentators of the canal responded ambiguously: "Hopefully understood the whole problem in the difference in cultures and mentality." Despite the greater love for this man, Angarskaya decided to part, which called on all women suffering from psychological violence.

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