"This is Nadia!": The born star Comedy Woman tried out the bold body


37-year-old participant Comedy Woman show Nadezhda Angarskaya does not cease to admire their own forms that she managed to lead to a stunning look. The actress shares with fans with new personnel, where you can hardly find extra kilos. On the eve of the personal Instagram account, she laid out the photo on which he was captured in a bodice of body color.

Posing in front of the camera, she Tomno looked into the lens and squeezed the edges of the edge of the jeans jacket. Her image supplemented sensual makeup with a bright red lipstick and an emphasis in his eyes. Hair star collected back, making sample sample. The picture turned out to be enough spicy, the fans he led to delight.

"This is Nadia!" - Applauded subscribers.

"Spectacular Woman," the Folloviers summed up.

"Gorgeous!" - Others agreed.

Note, over the past two years, the hope managed to get rid of several tens of kilos. Only during the participation in the show "The Last Hero" she dropped 10 kg. The star admits that she is delighted with his own body. Now it's helps to fight with superfluous centimeters on the waist.

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