"Here is a lucky husband": Julia Kovalchuk piaporated a deep neckline in the "pleased" pose


Singer and TV presenter, the former soloist of the Pop Group "Brilliant" Yulia Kovalchuk published a snapshot in Instagram, which appeared in a rather piquant image. The star wear underwear is a very unusual cut, its cut down below the standard level. And then the outfit continues black pants. Ends the image of a bow tie.

Kovalchuk sat down, widespread legs, fell on the wall and slightly threw his head back. The view of her peaceful and unobracted. "It is in such a relaxing-self-satisfied position that I want to complete today," Julia explained. She noted that he was extremely pleasant.

The fact is that in this image the artist fans have already seen in the new video on the song "while". And now the wife of Chumakov is divided by the joyful news - the track was aired "Russian Radio". For the uninitiated ex-soloist "brilliant" explained that, maybe for someone this event and insignificant, but its songs have not been in the rotation of radio stations for several years.

Fans are insanely happy for their idol. They noted that the efforts of the artist brought their fruits. Folloviers did not leave without attention and piquant photo with a deep neckline. "You are charming", "what sexy", "here is a lucky husband," they write network users.

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