"I am afraid that I amused me": Julia Vysotskaya opposed "Beauty Ukolov"


Often a 47-year-old actress and TV presenter Julia Vysotskaya appears before fans without cosmetics. And consistently gets hundreds of compliments, as young looks like. Fans questioned in the teediva, which beauty treatments help her support blooming, but Julia is silent. It turned out, she simply did not find the suitable injections of beauty.

Vysotsky is not against competently made Botox Ukolov, but not yet found a master who would not deprive her facial expressions in trying to rejuvenate. In addition, she is sure that the filients are not suitable for people with subtle features of the face, because they strongly change their appearance.

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"It takes the features, and in the chamber increases even more. It will not be my face, "said Teediva in Youtube Show" I like it. "

Julia admitted that, of course, it was afraid of age, but she is also afraid of hi-turonic acids. The star does not like the ability of this tool to attract the water molecules, which is why the face becomes pillow.

"I never liked my pouring muzzle, I always liked my face with the shoulder cheeks. And I am afraid that I amused me that I will not like the result, "Vysotsky said.

TV presenter is trying to preserve youth tools that are available to everyone: drinks a lot of pure water, engaged in sports. Maybe a few days to refuse to eat or go through a detox course.

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