Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo)


Home Childhood Actress Rene Zellweger in Katie, Texas, just been put up for sale at a price of 750 thousand dollars. The house of 270 square meters includes four bedrooms, two fully equipped large bathrooms and two small ones. The description notes that the house passes a large amount of light, especially in the main premises. It also has a fireplace.

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_1

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_2

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_3

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_4

On the plot where the house is located, there is a baseball field, a small barn and a basketball ring. Here Renie spent a lot of time, because in high school was an active athlete and a fool.

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_5

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_6

Recall, last year Rene Zellweger returned to the world of cinema after a long closure. She noted his return on the main role in the film "Judy", which brought her a premium of the guild of the US actors, victory on the Golden Globe and the nomination for the Oscar Award.

Rene Zellweger sells his childhood house for 750 thousand dollars (photo) 41481_7

According to Rene, she left to "live another life" and engage in other affairs, for whom attention and the popularity of unnecessary. Rene said how she was able to quietly sit in the coffee shops again and not think about what people recognize her. As Renee Renee noted, the return on the screens has significantly increased interest in her real estate.

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