Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson: "We have taken a lot"


About the novel Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson spoke in 2008 after the incredible success of the film "Twilight". Screen Bella Swan and Edward Cullen met for several years, during which the actors prefer not to comment on their relationship. However, for Harper's Bazaar Stewart made an exception.

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

When we were together, we did not have an example on which we could navigate. We have taken a lot, and in trying to control at least one side of our life, we told each other: "We will not talk about it. Never. Just because it concerns only us two

- Kristen told.

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

In those days, Paparazzi had a lot to run behind the stellar pair for successful frames, but since the actress revealed her unconventional sexual orientation, to cut her on a date with women is not a problem. The problem is how it affects the career.

I have repeatedly said: "Make yourself a favor and do not hold your girlfriend for your hand in humans, then you may be brought into the MARVEL film." With such people, I do not want to work,

- Malled Stewart.

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

To the question why she joined the Angels Charlie, Kristen answered:

Because Elizabeth Banks. I am her big fan. It always seemed to me that she didn't consider me Fritus.

Kristen Stewart spoke about novels with women and Robert Pattinson:

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