Naomi Watts first told about relationships with Liv Schreiber after parting


Naomi Watts and Liv Schreiber, who were never married, broke up in 2016 after 11 years of family life. Three years have passed, and the actress finally told reporters that their communication was switched to a completely different level. "We always knew that the interests of children need to be put above their own, and also understood that we would always respect and take care of each other. And we managed it. It is easily with each other, our relationships have become better than ever. We are the best friends, and I think it is to favor our children, "the star told.

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Naomi Watts first told about relationships with Liv Schreiber after parting 41778_2

Liv the same opinion as the ex-beloved: even after the announcement of parting, he stated that they would be with Naomi to the end of life, because they are parents.

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Naomi Watts first told about relationships with Liv Schreiber after parting 41778_4

Naomi Watts first told about relationships with Liv Schreiber after parting 41778_5

Now the actors raise two sons: 11-year-old Alexander and 10-year-old Samuel. Both not only retained friendship with each other, but also happy in new relationships. 50-year-old Watts has been found with a colleague for the TV series "Gypsy" and the ex-boyfriend Claire Dens Billy Krutrad, and Schreiber is since the end of 2017 it consists in relations with the Taylor Snain model model, which is 25 of him for 25 years.

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Naomi Watts first told about relationships with Liv Schreiber after parting 41778_7

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