Gwyneth Paltrow in the magazine Glamour. March 2015.


About how women are infringed in business: "I think it's terrible. And the most disgusting is the attempts of skeptics to strip us with each other. But the result turns out to be the opposite. We help each other, give advice. I think we are now in the epicenter of creating a new archetype of women. And we must become them. I have never been afraid to work alone. Our daughters will look at us and think: "You can work, be a mother and not forget about beautiful lipstick." You know, if my children have broken the form, I will make it up. I'm cooking. I bathe them. At the same time, I can remain a sexual and strong woman and entrepreneur. I can do everything. "

About relationships with Chris Martin: "We spend a lot of time together. He was two weeks in a promotional tour of a new album, and yesterday at night flew and spent the night in me so that in the morning to make children a surprise: so that we could have breakfast, and he would take them to school. We do not live together, but we will meet him with great joy at any time when he wants to come. And vice versa. We are often at night in his house in Malibu. We spend together weekends and holidays. We still have a family, although there is no romantic relationship between us. "

About criticism of the site GOOP: "At times it annoys me when someone declares:" gooop such expensive. " I want to answer: "Have you looked at the site? Have you seen the range of prices? We are on sale there are things and $ 8. "

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