Olivia Wilde in the magazine Glamour. September 2014.


That she agreed to portray breastfeeding for a photo shoot : "Shots with Otis are the perfect option, because now any of my portrait would be not complete if it did not reflect my maternal role. Breastfeeding is completely natural. Now I have such a feeling that Otis should always lie on my chest. It seemed to me that we had to reflect that female vests that were spoken of in an interview. We, women, know what they are capable of. You can simultaneously be a mother, a professional in work, a sexy woman and a balanced person. But, of course, when I feed my son in ordinary life, I look at all wrong. Usually in this process is not without diaper. "

About whether it is afraid of being working mom : "No, because I have an example of my mom before my eyes. It is an embodiment of an energetic working mother. It was very inspired by me during pregnancy. I did not plan to sacrifice myself due to the fact that I will become a mother. "

About whether they are going to get married with jayson : "We are engaged, but for now we have no specific plans. We need to find time to combine our graphics. And the main priority is a child. We are fine, and we are completely happy as a family. We no longer worry the definitions of the "normal family". Children are now growing with a completely different understanding of the family. I want to say that I do not worry about this. But I guess, the wedding is very cool. "

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