Jennifer Lopez in the magazine Glamor United Kingdom. March 2014.


About how it supports good physical form : "Subconsciously I always think about it. I like the way I look, but the ambitious girl inside me constantly told: "Let's get such an ideal form, more than ever, and show everyone." But then another part of my subconscious takes into the conversation. She advises me to relax and just lie down in a deck chair on the beach. "

About what she wants from relationships : "My dream is to find a balance. In order to release everything from time to time because of the control, and so that you continue to take care of. It should be so good relationships so that they can outweigh some bad moments. After all, no one is perfect, right? However, without those sparks that appear during scandals, life would be so boring. I want a little chaos in the relationship, but at the same time calm and order. "

About your power mode : "I am not from those who often give yourself relaxing. Because, otherwise, I feel bad. Kosh is nice to sit down and squeeze a whole bucket of ice cream. But not me. "

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