Sofia Vergar in the GQ magazine Mexico. May 2012.


About the difference between her and her heroine Gloria in the series "American Family": "Gloria was written for me, as if the scenarios were thinking about me. This is such a kind of me. My mother and my mother. In the image of Gloria, I can very naturally express myself. For example, speaking in English with a strong Spanish accent. First here in America, my accent tried to fix. And now it does not care. I speak with a Spanish accent, people laugh, and it's fun. "

How career depends on its appearance : "I use all the chances that I am provided. I owe my appearance, and there is nothing to be ashamed. Appearance opened with many doors in front of me. But I know that if I had no something else in me, then the career would have come to the end. Therefore, I always look at Sophie Loren as an example of beauty, sexuality and manners stay in public. "

About how to be a sex symbol when you are almost 40 years old : "I'm happy. Oddly enough, when my mom was 40, I remember how I looked at her with admiration. And now it is included in the lists of stars with the best boot or bust on a par with such actresses as Megan Fox, Mila Cunis and someone else, who is younger than 20 years. It brings a huge sense of satisfaction. "

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