Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson on Country Music Awards


They arrived in Tennessee as part of the promotion of their new film "Elephants!", And at the same time presented nominees in the category "Best Country Singer"

Also Robert and Reese are now frequent guests of various kinds of television show. They recently gave an interview with Extra and Global TV, where they told about the film, relationships, as well as animal filming.

In addition, Robert also gave an interview with CinePremiere.

How Robert Pattinson, who is an idol for his fans, was able to move away from Edward's image from "Twilight" and turn into Dr. Jacob in the film "Elephants!"?: "As soon as you step on the shooting area, which was in the desert, you immediately find yourself in another era of the 1930s. Therefore, it was very easy to lose myself, and it did not take much time to prepare. I watched a lot of Gary Cooper films to understand the language of that era. "

And what do you say about your attitude to the circuses: "I am very, very much like fast food in circuses. I am a big fan of hot dogs. Seriously! I was in a circus only once in my life: my sister told me that Clook died during the execution of the trick. I was only about 7 years old, so I was afraid when she told me it. When she was already 29, she admitted that he had invented all this. But I always knew that a circus life was a completely different and special world. "

Is it more comfortable for you to stay next to women? What changed you? Elephant or fans? : "Oh, definitely an elephant, - laughs. - It seems more logical. She loves pepper mint, and she will show some tricks for mint. And fans? I actually do not know what they think in general. "

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