Few Glory: Chris Prett spoke about the positive sides of Hollywood


Recently, in the Personal Instagram profile, Chris Prett expressed a sense of gratitude for her film. The actor published a photo from filming the upcoming TV series The Terminal List, based on the work of Jack Carr, and wrote a long post in which he remembered where everything began.

"It is hard to believe: 20 years ago I was a guy who lived in a van and dreamed of great. I moved to Los Angeles with one sweater, two pairs of shorts and roller skates, "Chris shares. - Yesterday we started the main shooting of The Terminal List, which will be released on Amazon. I look around and see all these trailers, trucks, actors and a film crew, hundreds of people in masks who carefully comply with the rules because of Covid, I see the mountain of the upcoming work, and my heart trembles. "

Further, the actor shared his thoughts about Hollywood: "Obviously, this place is favorable to me. And I am grateful for it. Hollywood is bad fame. There are enough eccentrics and psychos. But here there is also a place for talent, hard work and readiness to constantly learn. I still thirst to grow and amaze you. Believe the word, James Reese [Hero of Chris in the TV series] - that else's rascal. Get ready! "

Chris's subscribers pierced his message and supported the actor: "I didn't expect me that I would inspire the post of Chris Pretta in Instagram," I really liked the books. Very waiting for when you show James on the screen, "" Great promise, Chris! "," We love you and proud of you. "

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