What happened to the wine Diesel: rumors about the death of the actor spread online


With a sad regularity in the network, rumors are beginning to spread that one or another famous actor or showman left life - "victims" of such rumors at different times became numerous Russian celebrities, from Yakubovich to Galkin. "Suffered" from fraudsters and Jason Statham, and now the turn has reached his colleague on the action genre - the wines of diesel. Today, rumors began to spread in the network that the Furious Star allegedly died.

Of course, in fact, with the actor everything is in perfect order: he is alive, healthy and actively preparing for the premiere of the ninth "Fursazha", which not so long ago in connection with the pandemic was once again transferred. A few hours ago, in his Instagram, Diesel shared the next "find" - a portrait of his hero, Dominic Torreto, who drew a kind of artist from Brazil. This portrait himself showed this portrait by one of the scripts of Fursazha.

What happened to the wine Diesel: rumors about the death of the actor spread online 45171_1

If earlier the actors and his colleagues on a series of racing militants could be seen in the cinemas from May 28, now the release of the ninth "Fursazh" will have to wait until June 25. But, as it became known quite recently, his real son will appear in "Fast and Furious 9" - he will play a little Dominic Torreto as a child.

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