Meet a new suicide team: Presented the first trailer "Squash Detachment: Mission Skill"


The film "Self-suicide detachment: a mission of a wavelet" for a long time at all for hearing, but, apart from several promotions, the fans have not yet seen anything. And the first official trailer of the long-awaited novelty James Gann was finally released. Looks like a real blockbuster approach.

It is noteworthy that the director gave the tribute to the original tape of David Air "Square Detachment", returning her central characters - Harley Queenn (Margo Robbie), Captain Boomeranga (Gay Courtney), Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) and Rick Flaga (Yuel Kinnaman). At the same time, he completely rethought the story, filling it with a lot of new heroes, most of which managed to show themselves within the trailer.

The plot of the roller focused around the journey of the jungle of the Jungle of the South American Court of Court Maltezé in order to destroy Yotunheim, the prison and the laboratory of the Nazi era, which contained political prisoners and carried out insane experiments. It was immediately clear that anything good characters in this mission awaits, and the epic trailer filled with explosions, murders, pursuit, this confirmed, and the incessant flow of jokes made the sharper and entertaining on the screen.

In the "Suicide detachment: John Sina (peacemaker), Idris Elba (Bloodport), Nathan Phillion (Floyd" TDK "Belkin), Soria (Alice Braga) and others were also filmed. The premiere of the tape will take place on August 5.

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