Representative Britney Spears answered the theory of conspiracy about her social networks


In the network, passions are raised around the name of the popular American singer Britney Spears. Fans suspect that the story of the publication stars does not do it herself, but someone else. In particular, the most disputes arose after the last publication, in which Spears allegedly shared emotions from a viewed documentary film about her own life.

We will remind, the film "Substitute Britney Spears" came out some time ago, it was told about how the pop princess could not fully live his life over the past 13 years. The star was under the care of his own father because of health problems. The documentary film The New York Times told that the broad public could not know about Britney's judicial battle for control over his life and property.

After the release of this story, Britney published a post in his microblog in his microblog, in which he told that he was very amazed by a documentary, which was so impressed that she cried for two weeks. The fans of the performer decided that she could not write this text herself.

This story added intrigue former makeup artist Pop Diva Billy Brasfield, who stated that he personally spoke to the singer. She told him that he did not control his blog. However, the representative of Britney denied these speculations, stating that the singer had not yet communicated with Brasfield. "I do not talk to Billy, I do not know who he is talking to. It's not me. I did not talk with him for many years, "the representative of the word singer quoted.

Cassie Petri, which manages social networks for Spears, insists that Britney creates his own posts and writes its own signatures for Instagram. She argues that there is no theory of conspiracy around the singer. "Britney does not ask for help and leaves no secret messages in their social networks. She literally simply lives his life and tries to have fun at Instagram, "Petri noted.

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