Nicole Kidman became a victim of a stranger aggression in the opera


The media reports that recently Nicole Kidman and her spouse Keith Urban visited the production of the "Merry Widow" in the Sydney Opera House and became parties to an unpleasant incident. According to the source, Nicole and his spouse stood up to applaud the actors at the end of the speech, as the performance caused admiration for them. It did not like another viewer, who was sitting behind the star couple. The man asked the spouses to sit in her place, then Keith Urban tried to explain that in this way he and his wife wanted to thank the actors.

After that, the unsolved viewer struck the actress purchased earlier theatrical program. This behavior immediately responded to Nicole Kidman's husband, who accused a 67-year-old man in an attack on his wife. A couple brought out the room surrounded by security. Urban even called the police.

Nicole and Kit met in Los Angeles in January 2005 at an event for honored by the famous Australians. In June 2006, the stars have played a wedding in Sydney. After 2 years, the pair was born daughter Sanday Rose. And after another 2 years, another daughter Fate Margaret appeared with the help of surrogate maternity. Also among the actresses and her former husband Tom Cruise have foster children.

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