"He knocked out glasses from her": Nicole Kidman told how "hit" Meryl Strip on the set


The other day, Nicole Kidman became a guest of the show Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show, where during the conversation told about the case on the set, which occurred between her and Meryl Streep. The actresses were filmed in the TV series "Big Little Lie", where Strip played the mother-in-law Kidman character. In one scene, Nicole was necessary to give a slap to Meryl. She wanted it to look plausible, but did not count a little and almost hit his colleague, hitting his glasses from her face.

"We had many attempts to this scene. We were very immersed in our characters. When they shot the scene with a slap, we had to do it several times. And I accidentally burned Meryl, so she had gone glasses. If I remember correctly, it is this double and entered the series. But I did not hit her. In this regard, I am already experienced enough, "Nicole told.

Also in the show Fallon Kidman took part in the blitz survey and admitted that he was born in Hawaii, he loves Opera and prefers the fall of autumn.

Earlier, Melissa McCarthy, Kidman's colleague on the TV series "Nine ideal strangers", told what impression produces Nicole on the set. "There is something royal in it. You are waiting for it to say: "Hello. I'm Nicole Kidman. " And when you know her better, you think: "What is it wonderful!" She is a wonderful eccentric, "Melissa shared.

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