Amanda Baynes will first become a mother


33-year-old Actress Amanda Bains pregnant. She was about it and her bridegroom Paul Michael reported on their pages in Instagram, posting pictures of ultrasound. But then both removed these publications.

This is true, Amanda is pregnant. She is on a very, very early term. Parents know

- Quotes E! NEWS source from the environment of the pair.

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This is not the first time when Amanda's instagram disappears photos. Previously we went rumors that the actress and her chosen was parted. At the same time, all joint photos with floors disappeared from the Baynes page. However, Amanda claims that this is the tricks of hackers who hacked her and Paul Accounts removed their joint photos and sent everyone a message about the break of relationships.

We did not part. And for some time they could not go to their accounts,

- says a couple. Fans suggest that the news of pregnancy also published crackers, but it was removed to protect the personal life of the couple.

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Earlier, Amanda stated that he was married to Paul Michael, and called him "love of the whole life." It is known that he and Amanda met in the society of anonymous alcoholics. For more than two years, the couple has a sober lifestyle.

I want you to know that I am very happy. I feel that I finally met my man, and this is the floor,

- he told Amanda to his subscribers.

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