The creator of the "supernatural" explained why he left after the 5th season


The ex-screenwriter of the series "Supernatural" sulfur Gamble, which is currently managing the production of "You" on NetFlix, leads its own program called Writer Q & A (that is, "Scriptwriters: Questions and Answers"). As part of this project, Gamble takes an interview with his colleagues in the scenario workshop. The hero of the new issue of Writer Q & A became Eric Crypt, which is known as the creator of the "supernatural", and now is a Showranner of the sensational series "Pats". The crypt was at the head of the "supernatural" for five seasons, after which he gave way to Gamble.

The creator of the

Remembering those times, Crypt said that concretely prompted him to part with the brothers Winchesters:

I think people do not fully understand what it means to shoot seasons of 22 series in each. There are spectators who truly imbued with these shows, but if they found out, from which damn chaos was born what they loved, I think they would be horrified. [Laughs.] While working on the fifth season, I felt a strange disadvantage - before this was not there. It scared me. I felt a big responsibility for ensuring that the show remains at a high level as long as possible. My main goal for the fifth season was to release the required 22 episodes. When I realized what my motivation is consisting of, I was afraid.

The creator of the

Subsequently, the crypt told Warner Bros. that he exiled. When the studio announced that no one was going to close the series, Kripka decided to find a succession to himself, and his choice fell on the sulfur Gamble, which was full of strength and loved the "supernatural" with all his heart. She headed the series throughout the sixth and seventh seasons.

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