Fans of "Supernatural" replied, what are the chances to see Crowley again


Since the charming king of Ada Crowley (Mark Sheppard) sacrificed for the sake of brothers Winchesters in the final of the 12th season, the fans of the "supernatural" were looking forwarded to the slightest hints on the fact that the demon would still return. And the last comment by the producer Andrew Dubba partly shed the light on that whether Crowley would find that his mother Roven (Ruth Connel) became a new Queen of hell.

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Showranner recalled that the hero of Sheppard is located in the emptiness, which itself is regarded as a separate character, and therefore all events relating to it are included in a certain "agenda". Dubb stressed that this ephemeral and powerful space should have a good reason to the Crowley awake.

And I do not know why this reason is still not disclosed,

- finished his blurry statement producer.

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Recall, the emptiness protruding the initial dimension is the end point for the angels, demons, monsters, and sometimes people from where they cannot be returned to the ground. It fills with this measurement shadow, which is almost all the time in a state of deep sleep, like other inhabitants of emptiness. But in the event that some of them awakens, the shadow is forced to make him fall asleep again or expel that one day already happened to Castiel. True, the good angel was desperately by Jack, and Crowley cannot count on such such.

In a word, at least Dubb and did not promise anything concrete, to lose hope that Sam and Dean are again convicted with their hellish friend, while early. Still, before the completion of the final season, there were still nine episodes, the nearest of which will be released on the screens on March 16.

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