Jared Padalekia shared plans for 2020: "Read more books, without pictures"


The mystical series "Supernatural" went to the finishing straight, and actors involved in it, although sad in anticipation of the ambulance, but still try to invent in advance what time to take the time to take the time. Here, for example, Jared Padalekia approached the planning very responsibly and shared with the fans of the list of already from twenty points. And some of them are very funny.

Jared Padalekia shared plans for 2020:

So, the actor first promised to read more to himself, and, he stressed that the pictures in the books are optional. To everyone who wishes to divide this plan with him, he gave such advice:

First learn to read.

He also suggested doing more photos, as it "helps prevent memory loss", and more often talk about itself in the third person.

It always helps Jared to feel better,

- noted Padalekia.

At this actor did not stop joking and offered Follovers to play the guitar or invent a tool that will play himself, and not to report it to anyone. He also stated that it would be time to apologize to the child from the elementary school, which no one did not find during the game of hide and seek.

He probably still in the same place

- noticed Padaleks.

It is curious that some goals give a clear reference to the events from the life of Jared himself and his characters. For example, he promised himself to "take a walk on the ridge in Texas," which clearly hints on the role in the rebound "Cool Walker". And the last promise that sounds like "posing 100% during the last three months of the" supernatural "filming," probably completely melted the hearts of fans.

Recall that the new episode of the final season of the series about the brothers Winchester will be released on the CW channel for January 16.

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