"Trap": new frames of the 15th season "Supernatural" appeared on the network


The fifteenth season of the "supernatural" is in full swing, but until the show has returned after the holidays vacation, and the CW channel decided to satellite the fans of the first personnel of the ninth episode.

In a series called the "trap" of the audience, surprise awaits, because in one of the scenes Sam can be seen next to Chuck. We will not forget that he is the same God who created hard drives as many problems, and at the same time and "awarded" one of them is a non-healing wound. So far, it is not clear whether the Junior Winchester will go to the side of the main antagonist of the final season, but this situation is definitely curiosity.

As the synopsis episode says, Sam and Self saved by him will open a kind of terrible secret, and Dean and Castiel will unite to get ahead of God. According to the traditions, the brothers Winchesters will have to be not easy: it is clearly clearly visible on the frames, as the elder brother reads the youngest, and then with a lost view, it comes off at the table in the company Stakana Whiskey.

At another picture, Sam and Dean are already sitting in the beloved "imilen", and, judging by their biting mind, they just visited the next dump. Also, the wirchandres show the Din and Castiel walking along the forest, and the latter is depicted with a flashlight in his hands and a very similar reminds Mulder's agent from "secret materials". Well, considering that the fifteenth season for the series will become the last, truth and really somewhere nearby.

The ninth episode "Supernatural" will be released on the CW channel next Thursday, January 16th.

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