Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron told about their hostility on the set of "Mad Max"


"Mad Max: the road of furious" revived the popular franchise of the 80s with chalk gibson in the lead role, and Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron became new stars of history about the world's time for the power of the world of the future. The tape eventually received a laudatory reviews of both film critics and simple spectators, but it turned out that a real enmity was broken on the set between actors.

Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron told about their hostility on the set of

In a recent interview with The New York Times Hardy and Charlize shared that they did not manage to come to mutual understanding, and for the most part it was associated with problems and delays in production. Looking back, Charlize recognized that with insufficient sympathy reacted with the responsibility, which lay on the shoulders of Tom, who had to take the place of Gibson:

I think, because of my own fear, we built the walls to protect themselves. We strangely acted as our characters: everything was associated with survival.

Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron told about their hostility on the set of

Theron emphasized that the work on the film was very tense also because of the pressure that directed by George Miller on them. And Hardy agreed with her, noticing that, if he was a more experienced actor, his partner, perhaps it would be easier to cope with what was happening. Tom added that the events unfolded rapidly, there were few actors to control the actors, and this new experience simply suppressed them.

So, as a result, there was no talk about personal hostility - they just tried to cope with a huge psychological burden in their own way.

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