Compiled list of the top 10 of the most influential TV series of the 21st century


The list published by Yahoo is notable in that it has not only American, but also, for example, the British TV series - and even there was a single current show (The Daily Show with John Stewart, who, however, has already left the transmission). Surprisingly, "the game of the throne", which many, without blinking with the eye, would put in the ranking of the most influential TV series in the first place, the creators of the list only put on the second. And the serial that had the greatest impact on the mass culture and development of television, according to Yahoo, was a cult "clan soprano", which was broadcast from 1999 to 2007.

This is how the top 10 of the most influential TV series "Golden Era" of television according to Yahoo version:

10th place: Lost (2004-2010)

9th place: brothers in arms (2001)

8th place: The Daily Show (1996-)

7th place: Star Cruiser Galaxy (2003-2009)

6th place: madness (2007-2015)

5th place: Office - British version with Ricky Jervey and Stephen Merchanth (2001-2003)

4th place: in all serious (2008-2013)

3 place: Liseline (2002-2008)

2nd place: game of thrones (2011-)

1st place: Soprano clan (1999-2007)

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