Margo Robbie promises that the film about Barbie will exceed the spectators


Australian actress Margo Robbie gave a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter edition, in which, among other things, it was mentioned about the upcoming film about Barbie's doll - a contract for participation in it as a producer and a performer of the leading role of the star of "Birds" and "Once in ... Hollywood" Signed two years ago.

"We like the fact that a little eccentric, which is knocked out of the general range. Well, for example, if a person sees the name Barbie, he immediately thinks: "So, Margo plays Barbie, well, I know that it will be." And we are: "What would you invenate you there, we will show you something completely different. What you always dreamed about, although they didn't know about it, "said Robbie.

Speaking "We", the artist, apparently, implies the creators of a long-suffering film, the development of the script of which began back in 2015. In 2019, the commanders were joined by the "Oscar" of Noah Bumbach (Kalmar and Kit, "Water Life Steve Zisa") and Greta Gervig ("Little Women", "Dogs Island", "Lady Bird" ). Although there are no information about who will be the director of the painting, it can be assumed that the director's chair will also take Greta Hervig. About when it is planned to start shooting, nothing is known. The date of the intended premiere of an unusual tape about Barbie is also not announced.

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