Britney Spears requested help from Sharon Stone during the scandal in 2007


Britney Spears recently posted a post dedicated to women in Instagram, "who inspired her." The first on this list was Sharon Stone. During the interview with Kelly Clarkson, the actress was asked if she had a connection with Britney. It turned out that it was.

According to Sharon, Britney appealed to her around 2007, - in the period when she shaved the sleeves and became the heroine of scandals. At the same time, the situation was started, which led the singer to the current struggle with the father-guardian.

"She wrote to me a very long, important, frank letter at that difficult time. She wanted me to help her. But I myself was the very difficult period, so I could not help her. We both needed help, "said Sharon.

Commenting on guard over Spears, Stone said: "Being a successful woman and control your life and finance is really very difficult. The moment comes when you can break. In the case of Britney, the situation came out from under control and became terrible. I also had it so: the nightmare was also going in my life and everything was out of control. And more than once. All this is really difficult. "

About their takeoffs and falls, Sharon told in the autobiography of The Beauty of Living Twice, which came out at the end of March. In the book, the actress told about health problems that almost took her life, to humiliate from men-colleagues, about harassment from the native grandfather and other personal details.

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