Top 10 of the most sexy vampires in the cinema and serials


ATTENTION: All participants in our list are arranged in an arbitrary order - this is not a rating, but just a list of beautiful men :)

Ian Somerhalder - Damon Salvatore, "Vampire Diaries"

Who comes to you mind when you hear the phrase "the most beautiful vampire"? We are confident, most of it is Yen Somerhalder. This actor began to be recognized even after a very successful "stay alive", but he received real love and world glory after the role of Damon in the series "Vampire Diaries". As soon as Stafana's older brother, Salvator appeared in a frame with his famous "Hi, brother," the series fans have become more than more, and Elena Stafean Damon's love line has become one of the most beloved vampires and romance.

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Robert Pattinson - Edward Callen, Twilight

We could not, of course, do without Robert Pattinson, who commemorates himself to the love of fans after the role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga. Pale, timid, romantic hero could not help the lovers of books Stephanie Meyer, and rivalry with a short Jacob for the heart of his beloved Bela still exciteed the mind of the fan. So after all, Tim Edward or Ti Jacob? :)

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Thanks to the user of Iriska for this:

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Jackson Rathbone - Jasper Hale, Twilight

Since we remembered the Sagu "Twilight", we cannot but mention another handsome-vampire of the Callen family. Jasper Hale performed by Jackson Ratboon was one of the most mysterious characters of the franchise. Hero with a complex history, mental torment, and ultimately loving and devotee - Is it not the formula of an ideal man who can fall in love with girls? And Ratbown coped with his role perfectly, for which he received a place in our list.

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Tom Hiddleston - Adam, "only lovers will survive"

From teenage serial drama - to a serious gloomy movie. Tom Hiddleston played a major role in the film Jim Jarmushe "only lovers will survive" and could not not get into this list. We adore this actor not only for his sense of humor, the British accent and dancing, but also for his bright roles, one of which was talented, but the depressive vampire musician Adam. The hero of Tom is dark, restrained and does not know how to perceive the simple human joy. But you can love not only positive heroes?

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Joseph Morgan - Claus Michaelson, "Ancient", "Vampire Diaries"

From the gloomy films we return to the very teenage franchises. Of course, seeing the name of Damon, we immediately thought about his brother Staffane, but much more our eyes, and the main rumor was pleased with the hero of Joseph Morgan in the "Vampire Diaries", and later in his spin-off - the series "Ancient". Claus was one of the first vampires - bloodthirsty, discreet, in something noble and, of course, lost and lonely, everything as we love. His romantic story from Caroline was incredibly touching and opened to us Claus from a completely different side, for which we were finally and irrevocably loved. But, if the sake of justice, the series "Vampire Diaries" is a real storehouse of beautiful men, so you can safely give them all the place in the lists of sexual vampires.

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Alexander Skarsgard - Eric Nortman, "Real Blood"

Another popular series, which appeared on the wave of "Vampire Cult" - "Real Blood". Alexander Skarsgard Character, Eric Nortman - Sheriff One of the five Vampire districts, an old and influential member of the Vampire Community, loved the audience more than others, and we are not surprised at all. A sexy man, a vampire and the owner of the bar - combo, which instantly defeated the minds and hearts of the impressionable fans of the series. Unlike the same Robert Pattinson or Yen Somerhalder, this Swedish actor managed to practically "wash off" the image of a vampire, and now we extremely rarely remember it in this image, and in vain.

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Joseph Gilgan - Cassidy, "Preacher"

On the list of the most beautiful vampire men could not be only positive and just charming characters. Bad guys also found a place here. Two years ago, Joseph Gilgan, the famous viewers on the role of Rudi from "garbage" and Woody from "This England" received the role of Vampire Cassidy in the adaptation of the comic "Preacher" and gave us a reason to love this series even more. According to the plot, Hero Gilgan - a vampire-alcoholic, who accidentally meets the preacher Jesse Castera, and later, together with him and his girl, Tulip goes to search for God. In the series, Gilgan's hero was still romantic, but he didn't stop it badly, but we always like bad boys, right?

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Michael Fassbender - Richard Wirth, "Blood Creek"

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Do you know that Michael our dear Fassbender also once played a vampire? And it was in 2008 when the screens stormed the Twilight. Michael, together with Henry Caville and Dominic Persell, had time to play in the horror of the "bloody stream", telling about the brothers that were caught for use in the painful occult experiment, supplied by Hitler. We will not evaluate the artistic value of the picture of Joel Schumacher, however, Michael is absolutely exactly one of the sexiest actors ever appeared in the vampire films. Well, or any other.

Jude Lowe - Stephen, "Crocodile Wisdom"

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In the distant 1998, Jud Lowe played a guy named Stephen, who needed the blood of young women to continue to live. The search for his only sweetheart did the hero of Jude Low incredibly attractive. In those distant years, Low did not lose his hair and was a real fellow, so we did not work around him. And let the "wisdom of crocodiles" do not have on the shelf as a favorite film, look at Juda Low in the role of the vampire - very curious.

Danil Kozlovsky - Dmitry Belikov, "Vampire Academy"

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One of the most successful and beautiful men in the Russian cinema - Danil Kozlovsky - also managed to celebrate in the Vampire film. Danila played the teacher of the Academy of Vampires in the film of the same name on the book Ryachel Foreign Ministry. For our actor, participation in the Hollywood project was a real success, and for us - the reason to include it in this list, because Western stars are, of course, well, but we have something to be proud of. Recently, Kozlovsky has no longer pleased with the roles of Lovelasov and Helloes, focusing on serious dramatic heroes, but this does not prevent us from considering it one of the sexiest actors of Russia and the representative of the Vampire World.

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