Britney Spears broke through two weeks due to the sensational film about her


Britney Spears reacted to the documentary film released in February, Framing Britney Spears, filmed by activists and supporters of the singer. It tells about guardianship over Britney and its mercenary and mercantyl surroundings.

The singer has published a video in which Aerosmith Crazy dances, and wrote: "My life has always been the subject of speculation. I watched me, I was judged by my whole life. To stay in the right mind, I need every night to dance under Stephen Tyler. So I feel alive and real. I put up all my life before people, speaking in front of them. It is difficult to trust the universe when you are so vulnerable. I was so often tried ... wounded, shaped. And it continues to this day. The world turns on, and we still have all the same fragile and sensitive. "

Next, the singer said a few words about the film: "I did not watch the documentary. But what I saw - it was very unpleasant from what they show me. I broke through two weeks. And still sometimes crying. I do that I can in my own spiritual world and try to maintain my happiness, joy, love ... Daily dances bring me joy! I am not here to be perfect. It's boring. I am here in order to bear good. "

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