Charlize Theron told how rianna swed her


The lead show noted that they with Charlize are both big fans of the singer, but unlike him, the actress divides the publicist named Amanda Silverman with her. As it turned out, for the thermon it was not so simple: "It's hard, because you really want a publicist to love you. Therefore, it is so difficult to share it with such a person like Rihanna. " However, according to Charlize, it seemed to her that Amanda really loves her. "Usually on my birthdays, she always sent congratulations, something like a" happy dr! ". And here a couple of months ago I received a parcel in which I was a T-shirt from Rihanna. It was depicted on her electronic correspondence with Amanda. She called her his most beloved client and added a touching wish, and Rihanna promised to give me a t-shirt with this message, "Charlize told me.

Charlize Theron told how rianna swed her 45795_1

Charlize Theron told how rianna swed her 45795_2

Charlize Theron told how rianna swed her 45795_3

The singer kept his word, and the lead showed the audience her gift. "This is great, because Rihanna really did it for me. In any case, she had to spend time to be told by the assistants to make a T-shirt, "the actress admitted.

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