Charlize Theron first told why her son wears dresses


It turns out that Charlize sincerely believes that Jackson is the same girl as his younger sister of August. "Yes, I also thought that she was a boy - as long as she looked at me in her three years and did not say that she was a girl. That's what happened. I have two beautiful daughters, which I, like any parent, I want to protect and make happy. They were born as they are, and I do not decide who they will become when they grow up, "the Teron explained his position.

Charlize Theron first told why her son wears dresses 45799_1

Charlize Theron first told why her son wears dresses 45799_2

Charlize Theron first told why her son wears dresses 45799_3

Instead of imposing generally accepted norms and values ​​to children, the actress decided to focus on his parental obligations: "My job is to love them and make sure that they have everything you need in order to be those who they want to be. And I will do everything possible so that my children have such a right. " She laughed and continued: "You can blame my mother in that I don't know anything better than that. You know, I grew up in a country where people lived in a half and frank lie, whispering in the corners and were afraid to speak directly, but they were raised differently. "

Charlize Theron first told why her son wears dresses 45799_4

Perhaps the family drama affected the perception of the actress. At the 15th age of Mother Charlize had to shoot her father to protect himself and daughter. After that, the woman had to lead the construction company her husband and pay with debts, with which she eventually coped perfectly. "I just looked at her with an open mouth and thought that I want to be the same. I have never been afraid to be a woman. Is that when I stayed alone and in my 20 realized that women are not respected in all areas, "the star told.

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